Sunday, November 4, 2007

My Philosophy of Government Two

My philosophy of government stated that government was necessary
because people should have rules and limitations, they shouldn’t be forced to change
their ways. In the iDeal society I wanted the iChip to be altered, so that you could choose it if you wanted it. Therefore the constitution does effectively protect and secure the rights of citizens in the iDeal society. The citizens tried to impeach the president, a bill was passed banning the iChip, threats to the president with unofficial approval of Congress and the senate were able to apply the death penalty to terrorist.

The citizens of the iDeal society tried to impeach the president. Article I, Section III, states that the senate shall have the power to try all impeachments. President Khalia had called a press conference, denouncing any possible move to impeachment due to the fact that she has not committed any impeachable crime. The citizens wanted to impeach her because she was against there idea of the iChip.

A bill was passed banning the iChip, to protect the country from possible new task. Article I, section VIII, states this. All bills for raising revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives. The senate makes a bill that is passed saying no one is allowed to make any advice for tracking people’s location. Protecting the citizens rights to privacy. Congress is allowed to make bills but the president has to approved and sign it. The president could veto the bill. Then the House of Representatives and Senate would vote on it again. A press conference was called about this bill. The bill says that no device can not be used to track individuals nor can Apple engage in such behavior.The White House and Congress worked together to ensure the safety and security of all American.

Threats were made towards the president, with unofficial approval of
Congress and the Senate were able to apply the death penalty to terrorist. Article II, Section II states that the president is the commander in chief of the army and navy of the United States.

In conclusion, I think that the conclusion does effectively protect and secure the rights of people. In the iDeal society the citizens tried to impeach the president but it was unsuccessful because she didn’t commit any crime. A bill was passed that banned the iChip. Threats were made towards the president as a result the death penalty was established.