Wednesday, January 16, 2008

African American Biography

Phillis Wheatley was born in 1753, Gambia Africa. As a child Phillis was captured and sold into slavery, and purchased by John Wheatley of Boston. Her genius impressed her owners, who arranged for her to be educated by private tutors in several subjects, including Latin and Greek. Phillis was so brilliant that she began to publish serious poems as a young teenager; Wheatley became a sensation in Boston.

Phillis Wheatley to succeed was that her owners was very fond of her and they never trained her as a domestic; instead they encouraged her to study theology and the English, Latin and Greek classics. She published her first poem in 1767, and six years later, she published a book, Poems on Various Subjects. That same year, John Wheatley emancipated her.

Wheatley’s contribution was important because she was the first African American woman; she was the first slave, and the third woman in the United States to publish a book of poems. She prepared for her future by at a young age writing on the walls and instead of getting in trouble they encourage her to write.

We should know that Phillis Wheatley received her freedom and married a free black man in 1778 but, despite her skills, was never able to support her family. Although she died in complete poverty, subsequent generations would pick up where she left off. Wheatley was the first black writer of consequence in America; and her life was an inspiring example to future generations of African-Americans.

Phillis Wheatley inspired me because if you put your mind to something then you can achieve it. She achieved her goal by learning to read and write and she became the first African American women and slave to publish a book of poems.

What Should My Grade Be?

Dear Mr. Romero,

As you know the marking period is approaching and end. Report cards will be given out, and everyone’s wondering about what there grade should be. Well I think my final grade for English class should be an A. I deserve and A because I complete all assignments, and I have blogged all of my work. I also have completed a story on story write.

I believe I deserve an A because I complete all assignments. You have given out many assignments throughout the semester, such as reading the Huckleberry Finn book, and the thirty-six questions and answers about Blooms Taxonomy. I also completed the assignments about analyzing each character from Huckleberry Finn. I completed the drawings of the characters as well.

I have published all of the work on blogger. I published numerous essays on blogger such as the essay on Should Huckleberry Finn be Taught in School. Another essay that I published was Should Parents be Allowed to Hit their Children, and the last essay that I will publish is the African American biography.

Earlier in the school year you assigned a story to be written on story write. I have written a story and published it on story write. You also required everyone to post five comments on others peoples story. I have posted many comments on story write.

In conclusion, I feel that I should receive an A in English class. I feel as tough I maintained my grade since last report card period. I should receive the same grade as last report, which was an A.


Tuesday, January 8, 2008
