Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Should Parents Be Allowed to Hit their Children?

Did you ever go out somewhere and saw a child picked a to and cried because there parents wouldn’t by it? Should parents be allowed to hit their children? I feel that parents should be allowed to hit their children, they should be able to hit their children to an extent, and there’s a difference between abuse and beating.

I feel that children should be allowed to hit their children. They should be allowed to hit their children because sometimes it teaches them right from wrong. For example, if you saw a child in the toy store and they saw this toy that they just had to have and the made a big scene in the store because they couldn’t have it then that child would deserve to get a beating because s/he is embarrassing their parents.

Parents should be able to hit their children to an extent. They should be able to hit them to an extent because the way you hit them could be considered abuse. I think that children shouldn’t be hit with any objects that are not a belt. I also think that children shouldn’t be slapped around.

I think that there’s a big difference between abuse and a beating. In the book Huckleberry Finn, his father abuses him. He abuses him by locking him up into a cabin for three days without food or water. His fathered had also torched him. This would be considered abuse. I think that a beating is when someone gets beat with a belt on his or her butt or legs. I feel that if someone is being beat with a belt anywhere else is considered to me abuse.

In conclusion I feel that children should be beat depending on what the situation is.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Should Huckleberry Finn Be Taught in Schools

Have you ever tried to read a book that you just can't seem to get into? Does that book bore you to death? Well I can re;ate to this. The most boring book that I've tried to read is Huckleberry Finn. I feel that this book should not be taught in schools because its racist, it doesn't use good grammar, and this book is also banned in Philadelphia.
I feel that this book is racist. This book is racist because it uses the word nigger numerous times in the book. I also think this book is racist because it has slavery in it.
This book doesn't use good grammar. First, when you open the book, on page one it starts off saying “ you don’t know about me without you have read a book….” This book does not use complete sentences. Huckleberry Finn also uses southern slang.
Huckleberry Finn is banned in Philadelphia. I think this book was banned because it might be to mature for schools. This is a college base book. This book doesn’t set a good example for children to follow. This book has violence, when Huck kills the pig. Smoking and drinking is also used in this book.
In conclusion, I feel that Huckleberry Finn should not be taught in schools.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

My Philosophy of Government Two

My philosophy of government stated that government was necessary
because people should have rules and limitations, they shouldn’t be forced to change
their ways. In the iDeal society I wanted the iChip to be altered, so that you could choose it if you wanted it. Therefore the constitution does effectively protect and secure the rights of citizens in the iDeal society. The citizens tried to impeach the president, a bill was passed banning the iChip, threats to the president with unofficial approval of Congress and the senate were able to apply the death penalty to terrorist.

The citizens of the iDeal society tried to impeach the president. Article I, Section III, states that the senate shall have the power to try all impeachments. President Khalia had called a press conference, denouncing any possible move to impeachment due to the fact that she has not committed any impeachable crime. The citizens wanted to impeach her because she was against there idea of the iChip.

A bill was passed banning the iChip, to protect the country from possible new task. Article I, section VIII, states this. All bills for raising revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives. The senate makes a bill that is passed saying no one is allowed to make any advice for tracking people’s location. Protecting the citizens rights to privacy. Congress is allowed to make bills but the president has to approved and sign it. The president could veto the bill. Then the House of Representatives and Senate would vote on it again. A press conference was called about this bill. The bill says that no device can not be used to track individuals nor can Apple engage in such behavior.The White House and Congress worked together to ensure the safety and security of all American.

Threats were made towards the president, with unofficial approval of
Congress and the Senate were able to apply the death penalty to terrorist. Article II, Section II states that the president is the commander in chief of the army and navy of the United States.

In conclusion, I think that the conclusion does effectively protect and secure the rights of people. In the iDeal society the citizens tried to impeach the president but it was unsuccessful because she didn’t commit any crime. A bill was passed that banned the iChip. Threats were made towards the president as a result the death penalty was established.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Dear Reader,

In the essay you are bout to read is about why I think I will be graduating in 2011. I chose this essay because I felt that I did well on introduction/conclusion and sentence structure. I think that i did well on intro/conclusion because I have a good hook which starts my introduction paragraph off. Also in my conclusion paragraph I address the so what, which is when you end you essay with a question for the reader. I think that this essay has good sentence structure which means that none of my sentences run on or incomplete.

What makes you think that you will be graduating in 2011?

The high school dropout rate among minorities is very high. The reason why I am going to be graduating in 2011 is because I feel that CHS provides better education than most school. Also CHS has a better environment. I feel that in 2011 I will meet all of the requirements that are needed.

CHS provides better education than most schools. In CHS the students and teachers come to learn new things. In some schools children are forced to come to school by there parents. In CHS children are not being forced to come to school. They do so on their own because they feel that education is important.

The environment of CHS is good. You have many historical cites by our school such as Independence Hall. Many schools aren’t named after places, there names after people. Well CHS is named after the Nation Constitution Center. The majority of the things we learn about comes from the constitution.

In 2011, I will meet all of the requirements. When you reach the 12th grade you will have to have to have a certain amounts of credits. The credits would come from your previous years grades added all up together.

In conclusion, I feel that I will be graduating in 2011. All of my requirements will be met. I would be in a good environment and I would have excellent grades. So do you think you will be graduating in 2011?

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Science Project: Nanotechnology

In science class we had to complete a project on nanotechnology. I chose to be the biomedical engineer. The biomedicals engineers job was to first decide what your teams iChip was going to look like. Also had to ecide what part of the brain your iChip will be placed in. Our group place the ihip in the cereburm because it does all of the thinking and its the largest part of the brain. I had to name the functions and purpose of our iChip. Everyone in the group had to come up with the company name and our logo.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Advantages and Disadvantages of the Internet

Advantages: You can find any type of data in any subject on the internet. Also the internet has many types of websites that are educational for children. For adults, there are websites for them to you can look for jobs, purchasing tickects for special invents, and banking, and making reservations to different hotels.

Disadvantaages: Don't always think that the internet is always good. On the internet there are bad things to such as theives, who like to steal your identity. Certain websites can give your computer a virus. Also there are many pornigraphic sites that can be found easily by children.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

My Philosophy of Government

I felt that government was necessary in a society. It is necessary because people should have limitations. I agreed with Locke because he believed that government was necessary. He said that government would protect the rights of people and people would act reasonable towards the government.