Monday, October 20, 2008

Second Annotation

Public Broadcasting Service (PBS), "My History." African American World History . 1995 - 2008. 20 Oct 2008 .

The PBS website on Ruby Bridges was about many different things. One thing that I focused on was how school was at the end of first grade. Near at the end of the year, Mrs. Henry, her teacher, and Ruby finally had company. A few white children began coming back to school, and she got an opportunity to visit with them once or twice. Even though these children were white, she still knew nothing about racism or integration. Ruby had picked up bits and pieces over the months from being around adults and hearing them talk, but nothing was clear to her. The light dawned one day when a little boy refused to play with me.

"I can't play with you," the boy said. "My mama said not to because you're a nigger."

Ruby, then finally realized that everything had happened because she was black. She remembers feeling a little stunned. It was all about the color of her skin. She wasn't angry at the boy, because she understood. His mother had told him not to play with her, and he was obeying her. She would have done the same thing. If her mama said not to do something, she didn't do it.

This website was helpful to my research because it gave quotes on how the children felt about her. It also helped me to understand how she felt because the other children were unable to play with her. This website was a secondary source. The audience is everyone.

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