Monday, February 23, 2009

The Season Of My Life

I remember when I was in the fifth grade and I use to pick on this boy. The school was having a prep rally for the PSSA test and we had to draw signs and posters. The boy drew a box and it said, “push for success”. So I told him that I was pushing the box and not getting any success. I kept on repeating myself until the boy cried. As he was crying I started to laugh directly in his face. During that time of my life you could say that I was in the springtime of my life. That’s when I was immature and carefree. Now I’m in the summer time of my life. I have a better view on life. Over the years I have developed a conscience and became mature. Also has become a responsible person.

One reason why I feel that I am in the summer time of my life is because I am responsible. Like many children my age I have chores. I look after my younger siblings. About two weeks ago my mom went away for the weekend and trusted me to watch my two younger siblings. In the story marigolds, Lizabeth had to watch after her younger brother Joey while her parents went out to work.

Another reason that I feel I’m in the summer is because I have a conscience. When I was younger I would always make people cry and feel bad about themselves. Now, I care about people’s feelings. You should treat people the way you want to be treated. Recently I made one of my friends feel bad about herself. I kept calling her stupid. Later, I realized that I was wrong and apologized.

My last reason is because of my age. Age wise, I think that I’m mature. I’m a young adult. I feel that I’m college bound. A couple of months after school started I took the PSAT and got a good score. I passed each report card semester with honor roll.

You cannot determine what season a person is in by their age. It determines on their performance and how mature they are.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

What Do I Make?

And I Ask Myself This Question
Over And Over Again'
What Do I Make?

I Make A's And B's In School
I Make My Parents Wonder About
My Future
I Make People Think That I'm
Such A Nice Person
I Make Teachers Think That I'm Quiet
When I Can Be One Of The Loudest
People You May Know

I Make People Cry
And Then Feel Sorry For Them
I Make People Stop And Stare
I Make People Whisper Behind My Back
I Make People Wish They Could Be Me

I Make You Think That This Poem
Is Going To Continue
When Really It's Over!

We Real Cool by Gwendolyn Brooks

Today more and more children are dying because of gun violence. I recently read a poem call "We Real Cool" by Gwendolyn Brooks. This poem had a rhyme scheme, which sounded like bullets. Most poems have messages; the message of this poem was not just about people's actions, but their consequences. The title of the poem could be about more than friendship.

One thing that I notice when reading “We Real Cool” by Gwendolyn Brooks was that the words rhymed. For example, We Real Cool and We Left School. The last words in each of the sentences rhymed, like cool and school. Gwendolyn Brooks uses repetition by repeating the same word to start each sentence off.

What caught my attention to this poem was the title. One thing that it could mean is how close someone is to another person. It could also relate to friendship or a relationship. We Real Cool is used and the first sentence in the poem.

Last, this poem had a message, which could be about how children or people act or their actions towards other people’s behavior. In the poem, the author says, “We Real Cool, We Left School, We Lurk Late, We Strike Strike”. Gwendolyn Brooks could be talking about how people are acting out by leaving school early and staying out late. At the end of the poem the author says, “We Jazz June. We Die Soon”. I think that those two lines could determine what their future is going to be like.

I’m glad while flipping through a textbook I discovered the poem We Real Cool. Like most poems, this poem had a moral that people can relate to. We Real Cool also had rhyme scheme. Most poems have an engaging title that makes you want to read it.